Ever wondered who holds the original title deeds (deed of transfer) to your house in South Africa? If your property is bonded (i.e., you have a loan), the bank retains the original. However, if your property is paid off or you purchased it with cash, you, as the owner, will have the original title deed.
Banks typically do not inform you about this, and retrieving the original from the bank once the loan is paid off involves a process. The Deeds Office keeps a copy, which you can obtain for informational purposes. This copy is often used when applying for building plans, understanding property restrictions, or for general reference. You can order this copy online from DeedsOffice.Online.
If you lose your original title deeds, you will need to apply for a vault copy (certified copy), which requires a comprehensive and costly process. Only a conveyancing attorney can assist you with this.
Therefore, it is crucial to keep the original title deed safe, as replacing it is quite cumbersome. Additionally, it is important to have a copy of your Title Deed (Deed of Transfer) to ensure you have access to it when needed.
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