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What is a Title Deed and who keeps it?

What is a Title Deed and who keeps it?

The Title Deed (also known as the Deed of Transfer) s a document that proves legal ownership of a property in South Africa. Anyone who purchases a home will need to have the title deed transferred into their name as proof that they own the property. The document acts as proof of ownership in terms of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, with each property required to have its own separate deed. The document contains all the necessary details and important information about the property such as a comprehensive description and exact size.

The Title Deed also provides vital insight into to a properties history, registered owner and previous owners, the purchase price paid by the current owner and some other information such as the rules and restrictions surrounding the property.

The owner of an immovable property will only receive the original Title Deed once they have paid off the home in full. However, if there is a bond registered on the property, the bank keeps the Title Deed in their custody until the home loan is paid off.

Whilst the bank keeps the original Title Deed, it is important for the owner of the property to keep a copy of the Title Deed (Deed of Transfer). A copy of a Title Deed can be obtained on our website by logging a Copy of a Title Deed search. We will then order the Title Deed from the Deeds Office and deliver it to your E-Mail Inbox once received.

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